5 Months of Motherhood: The Good, the Bad and the Adorable

I woke up yesterday morning as a mom to a five month old! Where did the time go and how did Naiya get so big? Now I completely understand why parents always say they blink and they're sending their kids off to college (cue the tears!).

Naiya is weighing in at a whopping 15 pounds, 10 ounces and her chins and rolls are growing adorably by the day.  Just in time for her five month birthday, she learned to sit up unassisted last night! I came home from work and voila, she was able to support herself.  Phil and I can't get enough.

Our Giant Baby

Over the past couple of weeks, I've been going through Naiya's closet to store all of her newborn and 3-6 months clothes away since she's grown out of almost all of them all (sigh!).  Our five month old is now wearing 9-12 month clothing. 

It looks like she may be taking after my hubby's side of the family--all of whom are super tall (but then again, I bring the tall stock down at only 5'4 so we'll see)!

Nursing Update

We're chomping at the bit to be able to give Naiya solid foods. Since she has had so many G.I. problems since she was born, our pediatrician suggested we wait but he's thinking we may finally be able to start this month. 

This will be a big help to us because Naiya is still not eating out of a bottle despite all of our efforts.  She eats only out of a dropper all day while I'm at work and by the time I get home, she's so hungry, she cluster feeds until I go to work the next morning.  We're all exhausted and we're hoping this will all get better soon.

Elimination Diet Update

I'm also hoping that this month or next I'll be able to get off of the elimination diet I'm on for Naiya's allergies to soy, dairy, nuts and gluten.  I've gotten much more used to this diet but it definitely hasn't been easy! The craziest thing I've taken away from it is how much soy is in everything we eat.  Almost everything has soy bean oil--protein bars, most gluten free breads, even salad

dressing!  It's also really hard not to eat nuts because as a vegetarian, I'm now realizing I was basically living on them in all of my protein bars, etc.My favorite elimination diet foods right now are Daiya "cheese," avocado sushi, Beyond "burgers," egg whites and gluten free steel cut oats.  I know--what a riveting menu!

Babies guts are supposed to mature by 6-months of age (while some do take a full year) so we will see what the next month brings.After a crazy start to our nursing journey (more about that here), it's been going really well for Naiya and I the past couple of months (knock on wood!).  If we continue down this path, I'd love to make it to a year.

I'm so thankful I made it over the three month nursing hump (which felt nearly impossible) and now it's become incredibly rewarding (and is no longer painful!).

Outfits Of The Day

Today, Naiya's wearing the softest coveralls by Clover Baby, an LA-based company with the cutest outfits for babies and kids. She's topping off her look with these adorable pink shoes with bows and a graphic hat by Little and Luxe. 

I'm wearing a chenille slouchy sweater I can't get enough of, cuffed girlfriend jeans (similar here) and my favorite loafers (affordable version here).

Photography: Azusa Takano


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