How to Style Metallics After NYE

Happy 2018! I hope everyone had such a wonderful New Year's! If you splurged on something sparkly or metallic to wear this NYE but now you're not sure how to wear it again throughout the year, this post is for you. 

Today I'm sharing how to re-style your New Year's Eve look to make it versatile and work-appropriate for all of 2018 and beyond.I'm also excited to share my biggest New Year's resolution and a bit about our first NYE as a family of three with you today.  It was very different from year's past but we made it work!

What I Wore NYE

Outfit-wise, this was one of the first years since I can remember that I didn't go all out to wear something new for NYE. My NYE outfits usually include some form of sequins or metallics (examples here and here) because on the last night of the year, why not add some extra glam?

Instead, as a first-time mom of a now four-month old daughter, this year was totally different! I started off the day in this metallic skirt I've worn before here and this beaded shirt (similar here and here) but truth be told, I ended up in sweats (covered in spit-up) well before midnight! I went full mom.In the past, I've paired this silver accordion skirt with sparkly tops like the ones here and here for NYE but this year, I focused on a fun daytime look instead that I can actually wear year-round.

How To Wear Your NYE Look All Year

To wear a metallic or sequins piece year-round, the key is toning down the rest of your outfit.Sswap out your NYE party heels for some comfy booties in a bold color like the red pair here.

From there, pair your NYE piece with a leather jacket (here or here). The leather will help to add some extra edge for daytime and it will make your look more evergreen.Voila, you'll look polished and girlboss-ready.

Our First New Year's As Parents

Our family adulted hard this New Year's Eve.  Phil and I have been battling a now four month old who literally never sleeps.  From 2.5-3.5 months old, she was making it through the whole night without waking up but now she has regressed backwards. In addition to most babies who have sleep regression around four months, Naiya is also still in a lot of pain because of her severe reflux and tummy issues.

Likewise, normal sleep training doesn't seem to be working for us yet. It's the worst!Likewise, while we look forward to going out again someday (hopefully before Naiya is 18), we stayed in with her instead this year and really savored our time together as a family. We were originally planning on going out of town to celebrate but staying home ended up being perfect for us.

Even though it's not easy getting through so many sleepless nights right now with Naiya (and by not easy, I mean nearly impossible!), in the back of our minds we know that she will only be this little once. Time is fleeting.

My New Year's Resolution

My biggest resolution for 2018 will be trying to find a balance between motherhood, family life and work.After such an incredible maternity leave where Naiya and I truly got a chance to bond, I will be going back to work in a couple of weeks. Work has always been extremely important to me so I greatly look forward to getting that piece of me back.

I also couldn't be more excited to jump onto new projects and to have adult conversations again that do not include the topic of poopy diapers in every other sentence.

Simultaneously,  I'm feeling nervous to leave Naiya.  We've become so attached at the hip over the past few months that I haven't left her for more than a couple of hours at a time yet. It already breaks my heart to know that I will most likely miss some big milestones with her because we won't be together 24/7 so soon.  Fingers crossed, her babysitter will document them for me on video (cue the tears!). I look forward to savoring our nights and weekends together.

All-in-all, though, I really am looking forward to finding my new rhythm as a working mom.  I'm also excited to jump into the New Year headfirst to see how all of this will come together.  Here goes nothing!

Photography: Azusa Takano


Suede Embroidered Moto Jacket


A Look Back: 2017