Floral Dress + Cat Eye Sunnies

Sharing an outfit post from this past weekend where I was wearing a floral dress and my favorite cat eye sunnies of the moment. 

I'm loving this dress because even though it has a floral pattern, its dark color is still great for winter. 

I've been adding a lot of flowy dresses like this one to my wardrobe recently because they'll be perfect transition pieces for spring.

I had the best weekend with Naiya and the fam.  Phil and I took her to her first swim class and watching her in the water was the cutest thing.

Sleep Training Update

Phil and I have been tackling sleep training for one week today.  After reading a bunch of blogs and books about it, we finally decided to give it a try.

For those of you who don't know what sleep training is, it's a method in which you teach your child how to self-soothe and fall asleep in their crib.  Most babies don't know how to do this on their own.

You start bedtime nice and early--around 7:30pm. From there, you set a routine for your baby that they'll learn to love. This can include bath time, story time, nursing, etc.  From there, you put your baby down and keep checking in on them every few minutes if they cry to let them know you're there.

That said, you don't pick them up and rock them to sleep unless you absolutely have to.  For this reason, sleep training is often a controversial topic among parents. I myself didn't think I would be a fan because I'm all about the cuddle time.

That said, since Naiya has been co-sleeping with us for almost 6-months and since we haven't slept a full night the entire time without having to wake multiple times to a screaming baby (who never slept), we figured it couldn't hurt to give sleep training a try.

I hope I don't jinx anything by writing the following but so far, so good! Naiya has learned how to fall asleep on her own and each night, it's happening faster and faster.  We know our good luck with sleep training can change at any time and Naiya can go through a sleep regression (as she did at 4-months) but we're savoring every minute of this right now. Naiya is so much happier all day and she is sleeping all the way through the night!

Photography: Azusa Takano


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