37 Weeks Pregnant in Vionic Heels

As a busy full-time working mama, giving up comfort for style is a non-negotiable. I’m constantly balancing running after our non-stop toddler with being in the office or on set and my feet need to be pain-free to do all the things!

Excited to share a shoe brand with you today that I’m loving for all of the above reasons and more.  Also sharing a much-needed bump-date! This baby could come any day now!

The Comfiest Heels For Pregnancy

I first discovered Vionic shoes a few weeks back and I'm currently wearing them on repeat throughout the end of my pregnancy. If only I had tried them earlier! Vionic shoes strike the perfect balance between looking and feeling great. The wedged heel on this particular pair of Paloma Wedge booties I'm wearing today are just perfect. Give a girl the right pair of shoes and she becomes unstoppable--ama right?!

Wedges Have Been My Holy Grail

This pregnancy, I haven't been able to wear flats because somehow, they hurt my back even more than a low heel. These wedges are just what the doctor ordered and I love that they go with everything! I've worn them on twelve plus hour days and my feet have been comfortable the whole time. At over 37 weeks prego, that's saying a lot!

37 Week Bump-date

As of last week, my OB said I was officially 2cm dilated and 70% effaced. For those of you who have had a baby before, you probably know what this means but for those of you who don't, it basically means baby could come any day now! Then again, baby could also take his or her sweet time! The truth is, you never know!

The end of pregnancy is a whole lot of hurrying up and waiting and for a type-A planner like me, it's so challenging! Regardless, birth feels really imminent because I'm having so many Braxton Hicks contractions and I feel like a giant whale who can barely move. I'm so ready to get this baby out!

That said, I'm simultaneously trying to slow down time so I can spend it with Naiya before she becomes a big sister. I'm cherishing my last few days or weeks with her by stealing so many extra snuggles. I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around the fact that our family dynamic is about to change so drastically.

Naiya only turned two a few weeks back and she's still my baby! I worry that she'll have a tough transition into big sisterhood because she has no idea what's about to come.

Prepping For Baby #2

In terms of getting ready for baby number two, having an energetic toddler in tow has made the transition so much more difficult (more about that in a recent post here). When Phil and I were getting ready to welcome Naiya into the world, we were over-prepared and weren't running after another baby! I was able to relax after work and we spent so much time putting our nursery together, hospital bag, etc.

This time, Naiya is so non-stop, I've barely done a thing. I feel really guilty about this but I'm hoping everything will somehow miraculously come together at the last minute! Newborn babies don't need too much, right?!

What Fashion Accessory Makes You Feel Unstoppable?

You know the feeling when you put on an accessory and all of a sudden, you feel yourself light up? I usually feel this way when I find the perfect pair of shoes or sunnies. What about you? Tell me everything in the comment section below! 

Photography: Forrest Leo


Sadie Amelie’s Birth Story


Prepping Naiya to Become a Big Sister (Isn’t Easy!)