8.5 Months With Sadie Amelie

As quarantine continues, I'm continuing to soak in all of this extra time with my girls. Today, we're all dressed up with nowhere to go but we've gotten used to this of course. 

After singing "Let It Go" from 'Frozen' 25 times in a row, Naiya asked if we could wear matching princess dresses and she also wanted "ballerina buns" in her hair.  You ask and you shall receive in this household right now. 

We put on matching white dresses and Naiya picked out baby Sadie's floral onesie.  Linking to all of our looks below as well as some of our favorite family snapshots from the weekend. What month is it even?

How much bigger can my eyebrows get?! After all, it's about the most important questions right now. But in all seriousness, hoping everyone is hanging in there as best as possible in all of this craziness.

8.5 Months With Sadie Amelie

I realized this week that Sadie has officially been in quarantine for half of her life. It's hard to wrap my head around this since time has been moving so quickly but it's true and totally bizarre! It's crazy to think this was our last shoot before everything shut down and we had no idea what was to come. Sadie was such a tiny little marshmallow!

Over the past couple of weeks, Sadie started crawling up the stairs, waving goodbye and clapping on command. She loves music and dancing and is completely enamored by her big sister's musical taste (Raffi is currently EVERYTHING).At 8.5 months old, she's wearing 12-18 month clothing--needless to say, she's a big baby!

When it comes to food, she is like a bottomless pit--she LOVES to eat everything in sight.  You'd think she had more than just two teeth but more are probably en route very soon.  She especially loves whatever her sister is eating--that is if Naiya is open to sharing.Naiya has become Sadie's best friend--especially given the fact that the two are attached at the hip 24/7 thanks to quarantine.  Watching them interact and actually play together has been goals. 

I'm pretty sure Sadie will be walking in the next couple of weeks (I'm not crying, you're crying).Really wishing I could slow down time because it's all going too quickly the second time around.  Loving every second with my two girls and feeling like the luckiest (but also most constantly exhausted!) mama.

Naiya Lennon — Almost 3!

How cool is this girl in her pink heart-shaped shades? This white maxi dress is currently her all-time favorite (aside from her Frozen princess dresses that are currently in the wash for the 20th time this week!). It breaks my heart that Naiya and her friends (and all of the kids across the country) may not be able to start school this year.

She was doing so well in preschool and was finding herself.  Trying my very best to keep up with her at home--playing with all the play doh, singing and dancing to all of her favorite songs, watercolor painting--but I know she misses her friends and it kills me.  2020 is the new abnormal but I know we'll get through it and hopefully come out stronger.

This month, Naiya has become quite the scooter extraordinaire! Her balance and athleticism is extremely impressive for a girl who isn't even three yet (August 30th, here we come!). I know I'm her mama so I'm naturally biased but truly, I can't wait to see what sports this girl gravitates towards. We bought her this scooter before the pandemic and it's become such a lifesaver at night when she needs to get out some extra energy before bedtime.Naiya picked out my white puffy sleeved dress today (one of my current faves!) and Sadie's floral onesie. 

My dress is perfect for running around with the kids and feels basically like a big mumu which I'm LIVING FOR.  Overall, I've found myself staying away from outfits that feel at all restricting.  My jeans are on a break and I've been wearing all the linen and comfy everything.  Not really sure how I'll go back to "normal" clothes after quarantine but I guess we don't have to worry about that now.

Photography: Azusa Takano


Ultimate At-Home DIY Manicure


Quarantine Life Hack: Baby Food Delivery