Two New Year’s Resolutions I’m Sticking To

"You can't go back and change the beginning but you can start where you are and change the ending." This CS Lewis quote is my new mantra for 2021.  Jumping into the new year, I'm feeling hopeful, grateful and inspired. In fact, I've been SO excited to be out of the 2020 dumpster fire, I feel like a GIANT weight has melted off my shoulders. Anyone else?! I know that nothing has ACTUALLY changed since December 31st, 2020 but something just FEELS different.

Also, 2021 has already been especially crazy thanks to yesterday's insane news out of D.C. so there's that. I'm still staying positive because it's the only way to get through all of this in one piece! Likewise, I'm excited to share our first outfit post of the year with you as well as two resolutions I'm setting out to accomplish this year.

Simple New Year's Resolutions I'm Sticking To In 2021

Since 2020 was SUCH a tough year, I'm keeping resolutions extremely simple this year.  No need to bite off more than any of us can chew! Sharing my current resolutions below and I'm hopeful I'll stick with them for more than just the first few weeks of the year!:

1) Invest in What Matters Most

I learned SO many lessons in 2020 that seemed to slap me straight in the face.  As life as we knew it was turned completely upside down, I realized more than ever that health and family are the currency in our lives that we need to truly invest in.  Of course I knew this before the craziest year of all time but thanks to 2020, this all became SO much clearer in the most positive way.

In 2021, I intend to lean in on this even more and focus upon what matters most.With so many of our loved ones getting sick and countless tragic stories around the world, many of us looked inward.

We found solace in spending more time than ever with our immediate families. We cooked more at home (for me, not necessarily well but I did cook!). We tried out random new passions and hobbies. There was something so beautiful and refreshing about this newfound simplicity despite the circumstances. It was always there but somehow, with our stressful, non-stop schedules, we had forgotten that it was even an option.

All year long, I'm pledging to myself that I'm going to keep searching for simplicity and I'm going to invest in the things that truly matter most. The rest is all just icing on the cake.

2) Declutter and Lean Into Owning Less

Secondly, I'd like to revamp our living and work space here at home (now that the two are so intertwined in this new normal!). I've realized throughout the pandemic that we've acquired TOO much. I think simplifying our space will be hugely beneficial to our whole family. I didn't realize until recently how much all of the extra toys and items in our home were stressing me out and weighing me down.

On January 1st, I dove right into this goal and purged at least 25 trash bags worth of excess items in our home.  There really is something to Netflix series like  "Get Organized With The Homedit!" Our home already feels lighter and happier and I can't wait to continue on this path throughout 2021.

When the kids play with their toys, it doesn't look like our living room exploded AS much. This is LITERALLY everything right now. I’m committing to keeping this up!

Outfits Of The Day

Since COVID numbers are so high in Los Angeles right now, our family stayed home during the holidays. After a year full of SO many work zoom calls, this time to truly be present together was SO refreshing. It felt so strange not to be chained to my computer and I took full advantage by squeezing Naiya and Sadie and taking tons of hikes and walks.On this particular day, I took the girls on a walk around Beverly Hills. 

No one else was out in this particular area and we took off our masks only for these photographs. Naiya dressed herself as she now does every day. She wore a dress my mom made for her when Sadie was born that is now A LOT shorter. This girl loves ALL the patterns so naturally, she paired it with patterned leggings. She rarely lets me do her hair anymore but her curls air dry like this so she's a very lucky girl.  Maybe by the time she's 18 I can style her looks and hair again?!

Thankfully, Sadie still lets me dress her (for now!). Today, she wore a white maxi dress (similar here) with the cutest eyelet collar. We paired it with comfy white sandals that we're lucky Sadie can wear year-round here. Living in LA throughout the winter is something I never take for granted. The fact that we don't have to pile on winter coats in January was a dream of mine growing up in freezing cold upstate New York.

As for me, I've been especially into cardigans recently.  Today, I wore a vintage-inspired pink cardigan with jeweled buttons. I paired it with distressed jeans, simple gold sunnies, nude heels and my favorite white tee. Linking to a few similar looks below. Photography: Azusa Takano

This post is featured in Twinkl’s New Year Campaign: "20+ New Year's Resolutions For Families."

LA mom blogger, RELish By Arielle rounds up Amazon fashion finds for toddler girls

What Are Your Resolutions This Year?

I'd love to hear more in the comment section below! And as always, thanks so much for stopping by!

XO, Arielle

Photography: Azusa Takano


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