Must-Have Keepsake for Nursing Moms

Nursing is one of the most emotional, deeply personal, truly all-encompassing experiences I've ever gone through in my life. Since I'm coming to the end of my nursing journey with Sadie, it's something I want to commemorate. That said, until recently, I didn't know how to do so! Today, I'm sharing one of the most special gifts I've ever received as a nursing mama that has REALLY done the trick! Topping today's post off with a special DISCOUNT CODE to this gift as as well so that you can try it out for yourself too.

LACKTO: DIY Breastmilk Jewelry Keepsakes

I've fallen head over heels in love with Lackto, an at-home DIY kit that helps mamas commemorate their nursing journey. Lackto sends you a box (in Tiffany & Co blue BTW) of two tiny jars and a mold. These are all the ingredients you need to make the cutest keepsake. My mold was heart-shaped which I loved but there are tons of different shapes! You can even purchase an extra shape and make that particular keepsake at the very same time.

How It Works:

The whole process takes 10 minutes or less. You essentially mix a small amount of breastmilk into one of the jars and pour in another solution from the second jar. From there, you mix it all together and pour the concoction into your mold.48 hours later, your mold is completely dry and you are able to take out your pendant. From there, you sand down the back of the pendant with a nail file which is also included. From there, the kit comes with a gold ring to slide through the top of it. Lastly, you string through a chain of your choice and voila--you have the cutest, special necklace to wear for years to come.

Naiya's Nursing Story

When I was pregnant with Naiya, I planned on nursing her for at least 12 months.  I naively figured that since women had been nursing their babies since the beginning of time, surely it must be easy enough!

Soon after Naiya was born, I realized just how wrong I was almost immediately. She was born with horrible reflux and tummy issues and ultimately wouldn't latch. Nursing ended up becoming one of the most painful, emotional experiences I had ever endured (sharing more about our story here).

A number of mastitis cases and clogged ducts later, I continued trying to get her to latch. It was SO painful, I exclusively pumped for the first three months of her life while I saw a lactation consultant on repeat. Unfortunately, nothing was working! I remember feeling a sense of tremendous guilt because I wasn't able to make this work.

Then--out of nowhere, just as Naiya turned three months old, something clicked. She learned how to latch and I gained some of my sanity back. From there, I nursed Naiya until she turned 21 months--at which time I only stopped because I was pregnant with Sadie and felt to nauseous to continue.

Sadie's Nursing Story

My nursing story with Sadie couldn't have been more different! She latched right away, ate like a champ and I only experienced pain for the first couple weeks of nursing.  She's just shy of a year-and-a-half now and she's still nursing away. I literally can't imagine weaning her since nursing her has been my secret tool for calming her boo boo's and putting her down for naps.

After making this necklace a few weeks back, I haven't taken it off because it feels SO special. Prior to becoming a mom, wearing a breastmilk necklace is something I never could have imagined doing. But now, having gone through these life-changing experiences, this necklace will forever be one of my favorite pieces I'll ever own. If only I had known about LACKTO when I was weaning Naiya!

Lackto Necklace Discount Code

Nursing mamas: click here to purchase your own Lackto kit and use the code ARIELLEWORONA20 at checkout for 20% off your order. I hope you enjoy this process as much as I did! Let me know what you think! Photography: Bailey Brown


Gifts New Mamas Really Want


March 2021: Big Family Update