Five Podcasts & Audiobooks I Can’t Stop Listening To

My hubby and I bought our first home right before Naiya was born. While we couldn't be happier, the only downside is that my commute to work ended up doubling. 

There's only so much music you can listen to for an hour-and-a-half each way and so many people you can call. When I went back to work after maternity leave, it was clear that I needed to find something that would keep me occupied during my super long drives. 

After asking everyone around me their favorite audiobooks and podcasts, I started downloading right away like it was my job.  I've now become completely obsessed.  Rounding up my favorites you need to know about  today as well as details on behind my outfit of the day.

Outfit Of The Day

Today, I'm wearing my favorite striped shirt of the moment that I scooped up from Madewell. I loved the fit and neckline so much, I bought it in every color. 

It's such a classic tank that goes with everything and it comes in pale orchid, clay and dark metal(all currently on sale for 29.90).I paired it with black skinny jeans, white heels (similar here), a black fedora and white sunnies. I topped off the look with a blush bag for a pop of color.

1) The Daily:

This is the first podcast I listen to every morning on the way to work and I can't get enough. Host, Michael Barbaro, does a deep dive into one top news story each day in a way that's entertaining, relatable and easy to digest. There's usually one special guest whom he interviews.  This is how news should be.

From the #MeToo movement to the Russian investigation and the recent chemical attack in Syria, this podcast has it all.

Each episode is about twenty minutes long and airs five days a week.  It's beautifully produced and by the time I get to work, I always feel so much more enlightened.

2) On Being

After finishing "The Daily" each morning en route to work, I often head on over to this podcast. After delving into a top news story which is usually pretty tough to digest these days, this podcast is kind of like a nice cleansing breath.

It's hosted by Krista Tippett and it includes conversation about the big questions of meaning in our lives and endeavors.

From spirituality  to science and social healing to the arts, I find this podcast so relaxing and enlightening to listen to.  Each week, this series presents a new discovery about our lives and I'm loving it.

3) Rising Strong

After listening to an episode of the podcast above, "On Being" featuring social scientist, Brene Brown, I immediately bought this audio book. Listening to this audiobook in the car before and after work has been so inspiring to me as well.

Brené Brown is famous for igniting a global conversation on courage, vulnerability, shame and worthiness. In this book, she shares her thoughts on how truly feeling your emotions and allowing yourself to be vulnerable can help you to live a brave, creative joyful life.

She shares how to rise strong even when facing adversity and how to lean into discomfort in order to grow.  I love this book so much that I could see myself picking it back up in a few years out to read it again and see if it has new meaning for me.

4) How To Win Friends And Influence People

My husband turned me onto this audiobook right after Naiya was born.  During the first few months of her life when we weren't sleeping at all, he would take Naiya on long walks around the neighborhood right when the sun came up and listen to this book.

He'd always come home super inspired so I had to find out what he loved about it so much.I finally ended up listening to this book a couple weeks ago and I finished it within one week.It's read by author Dale Carnegie. 

His voice so relaxing that I'd listen to this book during my commutes, while nursing and even while running. It's not a new book by any means--I believe it was written back in 1998--but it's so timeless. It's all about how to make people like you--organically and genuinely.

Basically, listening to others is everything and one should never underestimate the power of a smile. That said, you have to read it--it will help you in your personal lives and in the workplace.

5) Women Of The Hour

I am so behind on this one (because it's been around since 2015 and there aren't any new episodes coming out right now) but if you haven't checked out Lena Dunham's podcast, Women of the Hour, you have to. 

Whether or not you are a fan of Lena's (I happen to be one), I love this podcast so much because of all of the relatable topics for millennial women and the guests she has on.  My favorite episodes include her friendship episodes with her co-stars Jemima Kirke and Allison Williams from her HBO series, Girls.

I also love the episodes about aging, trauma and triumph, sickness and health.  I find this series so relatable beautifully produced. It kept me entertained the entire way to and from work for a few weeks and I'm so bummed I've run out of episodes to listen to.

A couple of other podcasts in a similar vein that I'm loving are: Girlboss Radio with Sophia Amoruso (founder of Nasty Gal and author of #Girlboss) and Magic Lessons with Elizabeth Gilbert (author of Eat, Pray, Love and Big Magic).Both inspire me so much on a creative and entrepreneurial level. 

On Girlboss Radio, Sophia interviews one woman per episode who is an uber-success entrepreneur (from Sarah Jessica Parker to Katie Couric and tons of others in between).  The conversations are extremely inspiring and I love hearing how all of these women are killing it in business.Magic Lessons is equally inspiring because Elizabeth Gilrbert interviews entrepreneurs and artists as well and she helps to break down how they are able to be creative and successful without fear.

Photography: Azusa Takano


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