Fashion Fashion

Must-Have Romantic Dresses

I've officially entered a new stage of quarantine fashion--the 'all dresses everything' (and overgrown eyebrows) phase. I've been living in romantic maxi dresses over the past few weeks because they're SO much comfier than pants in this 100 degree heat!

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Fashion Fashion

Coronavirus: How Anxious Should We Be?

The first few days working from home last week, I wore a lot of sweatpants on repeat. This ended up getting old because I realized pretty quickly that they were making me feel sluggish and unproductive. Sharing a dress with you today that I've been living in instead.

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Lifestyle Lifestyle

Happy International Women’s Day

I thought about how proud I am to be raising two girl bosses. I'm head over heels in love with being a girl mom and I can't wait to see who these two grow up to be. Sharing some recent photos with my girls today as well as our outfits. Here's to strong women.

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Motherhood Motherhood

Four Months in With Sadie

I can't believe it's already almost March and Sadie is officially four months old. I feel like I've known her for a lifetime and for a minute all at the same time and I'm savoring her ever-growing rolls that are truly expanding by the second.

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