5 Self-Care Ideas to Try This Weekend

TGIF! The work week has been so non-stop, I couldn't be more excited for the upcoming weekend. Weekends are always so hectic in our house--especially since Naiya came into our lives. 

All week, I dream of accomplishing so many things and I'm constantly making "to do" lists.  Then, when the weekend finally hits, I'm rarely able to get through even half of my list because...#momlife. Moreover,  I've realized that my weekend "to do" lists rarely include 'me' time. 

Since 'me' time is something I'm constantly working on infusing into my life (more about that here), I'm setting some self-care goals I really want to hit this weekend. Sharing 5 self-care ideas with you today that are perfect for new moms like myself who have their hands full. 

If you're not a new mom, let's face it, you need self-care in your life too! Hopefully these ideas will help you as well.

1) Unplug

By the time the weekend hits, I need a big break from technology. My brain is constantly 'on' all week--starting early in the morning through to all hours of the night.

This is something I'm constantly trying to work on. While being tethered to our phones 24/7 is clearly unsustainable, it's something many of us feel we all need to do in order to get our jobs done.That said, in order to give Naiya the quality time and the attention I know she deserves, I've realized how important it is to put my phone and other technology down throughout the weekend (and of course, whenever I'm with her).

Whenever I follow through and really disconnect from technology, I feel so much less anxious and my mind feels so much more clear.Give it a try by setting even one hour aside where you will not have your phone on you. You may have FOMO at first but by Monday, you will be so much more focused and happy.

2) Find Your Inner-Creative

This weekend, try painting, drawing, writing, decorating a room in your house, dancing or finding another creative activity you gravitate towards.

By stimulating the creative portion of your brain, you can instantly reduce stress and clear your mind. I've tried this myself and the results are quite powerful.I find that when I'm doing something creative I love, time melts away.

By the time Monday hits, I'm so much more ready to take on new ideas at work and I become a stronger team player.

3) Organize Your Space

I've been dying to clean my closet since before Naiya was born but I haven't gotten around to it. The clothes in there keep piling up and I have tons of different outfits I wore on repeat throughout my pregnancy that no longer fit.

Every time I open my closet, they're starring me in the face and I'm finally ready to make a change.This weekend, I plan to finally go through my wardrobe to purge outfits that don't bring me joy.

I'm a huge Marie Kondo fan--but I also want to make sure I don't throw out too many pieces in my wardrobe like I did last time I followed her book, "The Life Changing Magic Of Tidying Up" to-a-tee. There's a happy medium fore sure!

Organizing your home may initially seem like such a chore but in the end, it can bring you happiness and a great new beginning by the time a new week rolls around.

 4) Find Your Fitness

Get your endorphins going and find a workout class this weekend that makes you happy. 

If you are a new mom like me who has trouble actually getting out of the house to a class on the weekends, take a brisk walk with your baby and/or go on a run. I'm a huge proponent of running.

It helps me to soothe my anxiety about the work week and I love taking the time to lose myself in my favorite music or to focus solely on an inspiring podcast (more about that here).

5) Create An At-Home Spa

This is something I've been doing a lot more often recently--especially since Naiya started sleeping through the night.

Since time is always of the essence, I've been picking up some uber-affordable nail polish, face masks, body scrubs and everything in between at a local drugstore on my way home from work. From there, I've been creating a little spa oasis at home without breaking the bank.

I am absolutely in love with this particular Korean face mask with rose water. It's less than $10 and it makes my skin glow and become the smoothest its ever been.Looking forward to some at-home beautifying this weekend for sure.

Photography: Azusa Takano


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