Fashion Fashion

Wide Legged Pants + Red Moto Jacket

Today's outfit combines a few of my favorite wardrobe staples of the moment: red moto jackets, wide-legged pants and turtlenecks. As a petite girl (I'm 5"4 on a good day!), I stayed away from wide legged pants for a while because I thought they would drown me and possibly make me look shorter.

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Fashion Fashion

Suede Embroidered Moto Jacket

Sharing one of my favorite recent suede moto jacket finds of the moment with you today. The best part? It's currently on big time sale. I've been a fan of moto jackets for years because they can instantly make almost any look more polished.

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Fashion, Motherhood Fashion, Motherhood

Our Maternity Shoot

I'm so excited to share my first post since Phil and I have officially become parents! Our daughter, Naiya Lennon Galanty was born August 30th. We are so in love and so exhausted at the same time and the past couple of weeks have been such a whirlwind.

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Fashion Fashion

Baby Blue: 34 Weeks

I love this dress because of its shorter length and flared sleeves. LA has been going through a major heat wave — with temps above 107 in the valley — so I've been braiding my hair in all different ways to keep it off my neck.

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Pregnancy Update: 29 Weeks

Celebrating 29 weeks of pregnancy today! Phil and I finally took our first class last night at LA’s The Pump Station and it was super eye-opening. It was a three hour breast feeding class (lucky Phil!) and now I'm bracing myself for the first three months of motherhood even more so than before (but I'm thankful for all of the intel!).

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Third Trimester Update

Phil and I are so excited to officially announce that we're expecting a baby girl! Throughout the beginning of my pregnancy, I was completely convinced that we were having a boy so this news came as a total surprise to me. Of course I've always dreamed of having a little girl to dress up and we couldn't be happier!

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Pregnancy Update: 6 Months

As we were packing for our babymoon a few weeks ago, I realized right away that I was overpacking. Aside from tossing a bunch of bathing suits into my suitcase, I couldn't figure out how to pair down the rest of my outfits (which was not a good thing since Phil and I were sharing a suitcase!).

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Motherhood Motherhood

We’re Pregnant!

Phil and I are beyond excited to finally share some news we've been dying to tell you for a long time: we're pregnant! We are expecting our first baby August 24th and could not be more thrilled to finally break the news!

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Wedding Wedding

Our Wedding Story - Reception

So excited to share some of our favorite photos from our wedding reception with you today. As cliche as it may sound, our reception was everything we had hoped it would be and more and I only wish we could have stayed in that moment forever.

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Wedding Wedding

One Week Until Our Wedding

Sharing an outfit I've been living in because it's so comfy and I'm loving the open back.I found this maxi dress at a cute boutique in West Hollywood and I love that it doubles up as a perfect coverup for our upcoming honeymoon to the Big Island in Hawaii!  I paired it with my comfy Birks, a lace bra-lette, my favorite denim jacket and beige sunnies.  

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Wedding Wedding

Bridal Shower West

Presenting part two of my beautiful west coast bridal shower this past weekend. I am so thankful to the amazing women who came out to celebrate and to my west coast bridesmaids and maid of honor for helping to put this picture perfect Sunday together.

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