Mom & Baby Update: 17 Months

I can't believe Naiya is 17-months and will be turning a year-and-a-half on the 30th.  I keep blinking and months seem to be flashing right by.  

Naiya is growing like crazy and her little thigh rolls are starting to slim out (cue the ugly tears!) She's a full-out toddler now and I find myself scrolling through her photos from a few months ago wondering where our baby went.

Rounding up our outfits of the day today as well as a mom and baby update.

No More French Accent

In the past few weeks, Naiya has entered a new stage. I think she's just on the brink of becoming a non-stop talker and I seriously can't wait.  

Yesterday, Phil and I were asking her to say a bunch of new words and she was able to say "peas," "cheese," "please," "ball," "banana," "no," "yes," "baby" and "cat" to name a few.  

She's started to say "mom" and "dad" rather than her OG "ma-mah" and "da-duh"--both of which were pronounced with French accents.

I was really hoping those would stick! Overall, a lot of Naiya's words are still gibberish but she's really getting there and it's the cutest thing to watch.

Our Tiny Dancer & Swimmer

Naiya also has a new fascination with jumping. For the past few weeks, she's been bouncing around, trying to figure out how to actually jump off the ground.  This is the first week she officially made real jumping happen and she can't stop. She also loves stomping and bouncing around to music--especially to songs that her dad has written (more on that soon!).

Naiya also graduated from her swim class this week. She's been in the same class since she was 6 months old and in order to graduate, she needed to be able to jump in the pool, float on her back, blow bubbles and kick--aka she's kiiiind of a big deal now.  It took her just over a year but she officially made it!

Picky Eater Struggles

Over the last few weeks, Naiya has become an increasingly picky eater. The girl who used to eat everything in sight is now so hard to please and the struggle is very real! T

he foods she will almost always eat include pizza (her favorite brand is called "Daiya" from Whole Foods), Beyond Burgers, Bobo bars and yogurt bites. We're trying so hard to get fruits and veggies in and other healthier foods she used to gobble up but this girl is so tough to please.

Mama's: can you relate? Did your toddlers go through a picky phase? How long did it last? I may or may not be losing my mind! I'm sure Naiya is eating enough or she would let us know but the whole thing makes me nervous.

Sleep Regression Is Real

Naiya has been such a great sleeper since she was about six months old. And then, out of nowhere, everything changed last week. Last Saturday, she woke up at 12:30am and wouldn’t go back to sleep.

She was standing in her crib screaming so loud that Phil and I had to go in and check on her. We haven’t had to do that since we started sleep training her last year. She’s usually been able to self-soothe and put herself right back to sleep.

I ended up cuddling her on the floor of her bedroom, trying to get her to go back into her crib the entire night. Bigtime #allnighter.

This regression continued into her nap times the next few days too and it’s still happening—especially when I put her down at night. I’ve finally gotten her to the point where she does go to sleep but it’s been taking up to an hour of screaming to get her there. #babysteps.

Outfits Of The Day:

Today, Naiya is wearing one of our favorite sweaters she currently owns. We scooped it up at Target and she's been wearing it on repeat all winter. LA has been so cold and rainy this season, we've been layering this sweater on repeat. We topped off Naiya's look with the cutest distressed jeans (Naiya's first real pair of jeans!) and tiny Adidas that we're both pretty obsessed with.

I'm wearing all black everything with a pop of colorful sunnies. After all, Valentine's Day is coming up so I needed a pop of red!

I scooped this sweater and skirt knit set up at Zara a few weeks back but I'm linking to a similar look below since I believe it's now out of stock. The best part?

It's only $17.00.I topped off my look with my favorite black booties by Everlane. I can't tell you how much I adore these booties (recently worn here and here). I truly wear them on a daily because they go with every outfit and they are comfy all day.

Photography: Forrest Leo


Galentine’s Day With Naiya


Toddler Pouches We’re Obsessed With