Confessions of An Anxious Prego Mom

Happy Thursday! As I shared in my recent baby bump debut post, it's been such a busy season over in the Galanty household! In case you missed it, I'm currently pregnant with baby #2 and I'm due in October! Today's post features photos taken the week before Phil and I found out we were pregnant.

I'm excited to finally share them! It's so crazy to think that our first baby is going to be a big sister so soon! With such big changes coming, in full disclosure, my anxiety levels have been through the roof recently.

In the interest of being fully transparent for any other mamas who may be in a similar boat, I'm sharing my latest pregnancy confessions today. After you take a read, please leave a comment below to let me know if you've experienced any of these anxieties too! I'd love to know! 

Will I Connect With Our Second Baby Right Away?

This question has been swirling in my head constantly. Also, will my connection to our second baby be similar to my connection with Naiya? Will I have enough love left to give to another baby when I'm already so obsessed with our first?

I feel so guilty wondering these questions at all but I can't help it.I remember asking similar questions when I was pregnant with Naiya. Of course, when she was born, I immediately fell head over heels in love and wondered why I had been nervous in the first place!

My fingers are crossed the same thing happens this time around and I do have a really good feeling about it!

Will I Suffer From Postpartum Depression?

Prior to having Naiya, I was always nervous about all of the horrible things I'd heard in terms of new moms suffering from postpartum depression and not even realizing it. Thankfully, once Naiya was born, I remember feeling more elated than I had ever felt in my life. I ultimately suffered from first-time mom anxiety throughout the first few months of my life but nothing severe.

I had a great paid maternity leave thanks to the company I previously worked for and I was given the time to truly bond with Naiya and create a new normal.

During this pregnancy, I'm worried about postpartum depression again. I'm working for a new company and I will not be eligible for a paid maternity leave. I'm preemptively feeling a great deal of pressure and wonder how my postpartum period will feel different as a result.

Experiencing pregnancy from the perspective of knowing everything is taken care of versus the opposite has been more than eye-opening. I think of all of the women in this country who have been struggling with this very issue for so many years.

I'm going to continue staying as positive as possible throughout this time I can because I know it will all work itself out in the end!

Will We Be Too Overwhelmed With Two Kids?

The transition from one to two kids is incredibly exciting and terrifying all at the same time. My hubby and I already have our hands full balancing Naiya, our full-time jobs, and everything in between. Will adding a second baby completely rock the boat more than we can handle?

Then again, my grandparents raised six kids with full-time jobs and they rocked it! How could two be too crazy?

Our plan will be to make sure we schedule date nights to make sure we maintain an identity as a couple outside of us as parents. Truth be told, Phil and I haven't been the best at this throughout Naiya's life so far but we try out best! Looking forward to making even more of an effort.

Will Naiya Be Crazy Jealous Of The New Baby?

I worry that Naiya will not take to the new baby well and that she'll be more jealous than the average kid. She and I have such a strong bond; I constantly worry about how this new baby will affect her.  When she sees me holding a smaller baby all the time, will she feel betrayed?

When my parents first brought my little brother home from the hospital, I ran away. I allegedly packed up my Fisher Price shopping cart and plastic food toys and headed out the front door in the middle of winter.

I was just under 2.5 years old and made it about 2.5 houses down before my dad chased after me but that moment stuck with me!

Sure, I've since accepted my brother in the family and didn't make my family return him to the hospital as I had initially requested. But new babies really do change everything for a kid and I'm hyper-aware of this. My fingers are crossed that our transition will be a positive one that goes smoothly!

How Was Your Transition To Baby #2?

Mamas: tell me everything! Were you or are you worried about any similar anxieties to mine above before baby #2?

If you've already gone through the transition, what worked best for you and what didn't?

I'd love for you to leave a comment below to let me know!

Photography: Azusa Takano


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