Little Spoon: Baby & Toddler Food Review

We have two VERY different eaters in our house.  Naiya is the PICKIEST eater ever and Sadie eats EVERYTHING. Thankful to have found a company that makes fresh baby and toddler foods that BOTH of our girls love. If you're in the market for fresh, yummy, healthy food for your baby or toddler too, look no further than Little Spoon. Sharing a review of this amazing brand with you today. The best part? It's delivered right to your door, ready to eat. Topping today's post off with a discount code for 30% off your first order with Little Spoon too. Enjoy!

Little Spoon Review

Little Spoon is one of our go-to holy grails when it comes to healthy, fresh, grab-and-go food options for Naiya and Sadie. They offer 20+ healthy meal options delivered right to your doorstep, ready to eat in minutes. When Naiya was about six months old, we started off with Little Spoon's delicious purees (pictured below). They come in the cutest little containers that are easy to drop into your diaper bag or cooler. We especially love the built-in spoon at the top of each individual container.

Naturally, Sadie is now obsessed with these purees too. Most recently, she decided that her fave flavor is carrot, mango, banana chia. In addition to the purées, Little Spoon recently rolled out Toddler Plates! Each meal is packed with hidden veggies and absolutely no preservatives. Meals come on cute little plates that you heat up for a couple of minutes and you're ready to go! Our household faves are Mac & 3 Cheese with Invisible Butternut Squash & Carrots.

These plates are made to satisfy even the pickiest of eaters (ahem, Naiya!) with foods they LOVE and the clean, healthy ingredients mamas WANT. Truth be told, it took us a few tries for Naiya to actually try these plates but once she did, she was in! All-in-all, we highly recommend Little Spoon. It's been especially helpful for us all Pandemic long! In working from home and mom-ing full-time, finding the time to cook has not been easy. Remember to use the code ARIELLE30 at checkout for 30% off your first order!

Photography: Azusa Takano


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