16 Months in With Sadie

As quarantine continues and the weeks melt into one another in 2021, our Sadie marshmallow continues to grow exponentially. She's almost 30 pounds and she's already wearing Naiya's size 3T clothing. Since she's turning 16 months old next week, sharing an (almost) 16 month Sadie update with you below. And yes, I'm still the mom who counts by months--I can't help it.

16 Months With Sadie

Sadie is growing and developing so quickly, she absolutely blow my mind. Whenever I put her down for a nap, it's like she wakes up having had a full new digital download. Over the past couple of weeks, she has learned to count to 10, sing the ABC's and even "read" some memorized pages of books.  Naiya is constantly busy teaching her all the things and Sadie idolizes her.  Watching their relationship continue to grow is one of the most special things I have ever experienced in my lifetime.  Both girls together are a total handful because they NEVER slow down but I'm here for it.

Over the past month or so, Sadie's rolls have started to slowly melt away. This stage with Naiya was tough for me and this time is no different because around this age, babies start turning into toddlers and they really start looking older.  You blink and you wonder where your tiny baby is. You blink again and you have a 3 year old. I'm sure I'll blink again and both girls will be in college and I honestly don't know how I'll ever be able to handle that.

Sadie's is currently a gymnast and dancer in training.  Her favorite thing to do right now is to crawl behind our couch, climb on a box and dive over the couch. She absolutely LOVES music--to the core. It's unbelievable to watch such a small person literally feel music within every fiber of her being. Her current favorite songs are anything by Peppa Pig ("Peppa Party" is her holy grail). As of this week, she's also now also requesting to watch Peppa Pig on TV. We use screen-time as sparingly as possible over here but this show is one we feel especially comfortable with.

Food-wise, Sadie is the best eater in our house. She often can even rival Phil. She's open to trying anything and she literally eats all day long. She's everybody's quarantine spirit animal and we love her for it. Photography: Azusa Takano

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