Fashion Fashion

Coronavirus: How Anxious Should We Be?

The first few days working from home last week, I wore a lot of sweatpants on repeat. This ended up getting old because I realized pretty quickly that they were making me feel sluggish and unproductive. Sharing a dress with you today that I've been living in instead.

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Motherhood Motherhood

Naiya’s 18 Month Update

Keep in mind that almost all of Naiya's giant smiles were from listening to 'Baby Shark' (for a change) on my phone. What is it about that song?! The rest of her smiles were from me jumping around like a crazy mama trying to keep that smile going. Either way, her face is priceless!

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Motherhood Motherhood

How to Tie a Baby Wrap

Since giving birth Naiya back in August, I've become such big fan of "wearing" her that I wanted to dedicate today's post to my love for baby wrapping. Over the past few weeks, this has completely changed my life because it's given me the freedom to move around the house and get things done while Phil is working.

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