Motherhood Motherhood

7 Months in With Sadie

And just like that, Sadie is 7-months old. Thanks to the quarantine and social distancing, I've blinked and here we are--more than halfway to one year with our sweet marshmallow. Sharing the latest and greatest on the Sadie front along with some Naiya highlights with you today.

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Fashion Fashion

Affordable (Quarantine-Comfy) Cashmere

If you've spent the whole quarantine in sweats or workout wear, I see you and I completely back your vibe. There's something so liberating about not having to put on real clothes each day. That said, I've been challenging myself to get dressed over the past few weeks because it's been making me feel so much more like myself.

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Motherhood, Fashion Motherhood, Fashion

The Perfect Gift For New Mamas

At the end of the day, every new mom is different, and coming up with the perfect gift is never easy. I do think I've found a pretty universal gift that new moms might not expect they'll end up cherishing for years to come. Sharing what this gift is with you today and where you can snag one at an affordable price too.

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