Fashion, Motherhood Fashion, Motherhood

Bumpdate: 40 Weeks

Hello, August 24, 2017! Phil and I have been dreaming of this day for what seems like forever because it's our daughter's official due date. Even though she's not showing any new signs of coming out just yet, this still feels like such a special day and we're so thankful to have made it here.

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Fashion Fashion

Baby Blue: 34 Weeks

I love this dress because of its shorter length and flared sleeves. LA has been going through a major heat wave β€” with temps above 107 in the valley β€” so I've been braiding my hair in all different ways to keep it off my neck.

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Pregnancy Update: 29 Weeks

Celebrating 29 weeks of pregnancy today! Phil and I finally took our first class last night at LA’s The Pump Station and it was super eye-opening. It was a three hour breast feeding class (lucky Phil!) and now I'm bracing myself for the first three months of motherhood even more so than before (but I'm thankful for all of the intel!).

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Third Trimester Update

Phil and I are so excited to officially announce that we're expecting a baby girl! Throughout the beginning of my pregnancy, I was completely convinced that we were having a boy so this news came as a total surprise to me. Of course I've always dreamed of having a little girl to dress up and we couldn't be happier!

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