5 Things I’m Loving About My Girls Right Now

I can't believe I'm officially three months into being a mama of two girls under 2.5. Time has flown by SO much quicker with Sadie than it did with Naiya because my hands are so full with a non-stop toddler. 

It's been a wild ride with Sadie being hospitalized with RSV at three weeks old and a number of sleep regressions with Naiya. But overall, we've savored the last 12 weeks and I would love to freeze my girls in time just as they are.

To celebrate getting through the fourth trimester in (almost) one piece, I'm sharing 5 things I'm loving about my girls right now as well as some of our favorite recent photos.

1) Sadie's Rolls Upon Rolls

I can't get over Sadie cheeks right now! I'm not sure what's in my milk but this girl has all the ever-growing rolls and I'm obsessed.  Her cheeks literally rest on her chest and she has about three chins and counting. Her arm and leg rolls are also growing by the day too--to the point where Sadie can now fit in 3-6 month clothing and size 3 diapers. This girl is so delicious and I'm trying to savor this stage as much as possible.

2) Naiya's Smile

There's something about Naiya's smile that truly lights up a room. Her smile oozes pure happiness and joy that I wish I could bottle up and keep for her forever.  I hope her smile continues to stay this bright as she gets older and I will do everything in my power to make sure she has the happiest life possible.

3) Naiya Loving Sadie So Much It Hurts

I want to remember how Naiya looks at her baby sister right now.  I describe the love Naiya has for Sadie as "she loves her so much it hurts" because Naiya's so obsessed with Sadie, she eventually gets a bit too rough with her. 

She talks about her sister all day at school and when she comes home, she wants to kiss her, cuddle with her and usually squeeze her too hard.I know Naiya will learn to be more gentle with Sadie as time goes on but I hope she always loves her this much. I can't wait until Sadie can reciprocate the love back to Naiya too!

4) Ice Cream Dates

Naiya is obsessed with ice cream right now as much as any one person can be obsessed with ice cream. Even before Sadie was born, I started taking her ice cream dates so that she'd have time with me one-on-one.

The jealousy is very real when you bring home a second baby and these dates ended up becoming our thing (more here).Someday, I'm sure Naiya's first choice won't always be to hang out at ice cream dates with her mama so I'm savoring our dates big time.

5) How Much Naiya Loves Her Friends

Naiya started preschool this past August--right before her second birthday. At the time, I wasn't sure if we were starting too early but now I realize this was the best thing we ever could have done for Naiya. She's grown exponentially--especially in terms of her vocabulary and social skills.

She's only there for 3.5 hours a day but in those few hours, Naiya is so happy!Naiya has met so many new friends and it's the cutest thing ever to see them all interact. They've been hanging out outside of school and just started ballet class together. Naiya and her friends in their little tutus melt my heart.

What Do You Want To Freeze In Time When It Comes To Your Kids Right Now?

Parenthood is such a crazy adventure that it's sometimes hard to enjoy all of the moments.

But in looking at your family right now, what are the moments you'd love to freeze in time? What do you want to remember years from now about this stage?

Tell me all the things in the comment section below and as always, thank you so much for stopping by! XO, Ariellef

Photography: Azusa Takano


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